Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Best thing since sliced bread is...

sliced bread.

I had Jones on the counter while I was cooking dinner, and he could NOT STOP looking at/grabbing/knocking over and engaging in all kinds of carrying on with the bread. I guess it was the combination of squishy, crinkley, stinky (Mommy hates bread), and colorful that got him, but regardless, it was the cuteness of the night.

and finally, Jones at his first meal


Elizabeth said...

That is so stinkin cute!

EmilyLemily said...

Aww!!! He is so cute! I can't wait to really see him in person!

Brittany Calkins said...

Has anyone ever told you that Jones is the cutest baby ever!!! I am serious he is soooo adorable... perfect I might add!

Steven and Mindy Raisor said...

I love that his head is so big it's hard for him to hold it up right! So dang cute! I love babies too penny